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Katie Thomas

18 Beaches Exhibition

DiversArty Gallery, 5/161 Creek Rd, Cromer 2099 NSW

April 10th – 24th

Opening night 6pm – 8.30pm April 10th

“Celebrating where we live as seen through the eyes of an artist and Northern Beaches resident Katie Thomas Art.”

I love life on the Beaches. We moved here two years ago, and I could not think of anywhere else I would rather be. There are so many different beaches, walks and hidden gems in the area that we still must explore. That is what inspired me to create this body of work. Living in Dee Why I had painted my local beach many times along with a few others within walking distance. I wanted to continue to paint all the beaches along the Northern Beaches from Palm Beach down to Shelly. So, the challenge to myself was set.

We have all relied on our local area a lot more over the last year throughout the many lockdowns and restrictions. It has been a blessing to have a beach on our doorstep. I think we have all appreciated our surroundings a lot more.

I thought this would be a great opportunity to showcase all the beaches together in a final exhibition and celebrate where we live. You can also follow my journey and painting process on Instagram and my website where I have posted regular updates.

I can only hope that my excitement and appreciation of life on the beaches shines through my paintings. Since moving to Australia my painting style has become more expressive and the light here has had a huge influence on the colours I use. I paint with a large palette knife on the largest canvases I can get my hands on.

You will be able to see what I have been busy painting over this last year at my exhibition at DiversArty Gallery in Cromer, with over 18 beaches on display, different sizes and prices plus limited-edition prints, there will be something for everybody. DiverArty is a lovely small family run gallery close to the high school. They have been extremely helpful and supportive to not only me but lots of emerging local artists living on the beaches. I encourage you to check them out.

Katie Thomas x

Dee Why Artist and volunteer surf lifesaver.

Northern Beaches life is the best life!

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